Friday, January 7, 2011

Hey McGraw’s
This blog has been set up to inform us about the details surrounding the upcoming family reunion in Yellow Stone (thanks Heather).
Alan and Dennis have volunteered to organize this year’s reunion and we are having fun planning it. The organizers for the next (2013) reunion will be asked or assigned at this year’s reunion.
We have sent out information preparing many of you for this years outing. We look foreword to rekindling relationships and strengthening family bonds.
Stay tuned for detailed information for our Yellow Stone experience.
Love you all…

1 comment:

  1. Hi, everybody. Please get a sign in account so you can post comments and information on this blog. Alan and Dennis need to know who is going to Yellowstone this July. The dates are JUNE 29TH TO JULY 4TH AT THE MADISON CAMPGROUND, WEST YELLOWSTONE. They have tent and RV sites. Please email them as soon as possible if you are going to be there.

    They are thinking we should plan on three meals to include everyone. Maybe two dinners and one breakfast or all three dinners. They would be planned potluck with each family assigned some part of the main meat course and some side to share. Then two or three families would be asked to cook the meal using the food provided. Let's get some feedback from all of you out there.

    Plan now to include this for your family fun this summer. We had such a good time in 2009 at the Reunion in Washington. We want to see all of you again and many more who didn't make it then. Put it on your calendar and don't miss out. Remember, reservations need to be made and deposit paid by April 1st.
